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Support for Talk Now (Windows 7)
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Error: “MCI Error”, “Media not open”, “No driver installed”.
If you are receiving any of these error messages, please download and install the latest update.
If you need help please follow these instructions or watch the help video below:
1. Click on the update to download it and save it onto your Desktop;
a) You will be asked, “Do you want to open or save this file?” Click ‘Save’.
b) Select the Desktop as the location you wish to save the update.
c) You may receive a prompt from your anti-virus software, asking you whether you wish to allow or deny the download to proceed. Click ‘Allow’ to continue the download.
2. Find the newly downloaded zip folder on your Desktop. Double click on it to open it.
3. Double click on the folder to reveal the .exe file/application.
4. Drag (or copy) this new .exe file onto your desktop.
5. Double click on this .exe file (that you have just dragged onto your desktop). Click ‘Run’. This will install the update.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete this installation. Leave everything in its default settings.
7. If you still have your disc in your CD or DVD-ROM drive it will automatically restart your program. If not, please insert your disc.
8. Installation of the update is complete.
Error: “Track not modifiable”, when installing onto iTunes.
Your current version of Talk Now is incompatible with the newer version of iTunes, which is why you are experiencing a continuing prompt for iTunes.
In order to resolve your issue please download the latest update for ‘Talk Now’.
If you need help please follow these instructions or watch the help video below:
1. Click on the update to download it and save it onto your Desktop;
a) You will be asked, “Do you want to open or save this file?” Click ‘Save’.
b) Select the Desktop as the location you wish to save the update.
c) You may receive a prompt from your anti-virus software, asking you whether you wish to allow or deny the download to proceed. Click ‘Allow’ to continue the download.
2. Find the newly downloaded zip folder on your Desktop. Double click on it to open it.
3. Double click on the folder to reveal the .exe file/application.
4. Drag (or copy) this new .exe file onto your desktop.
5. Double click on this .exe file (that you have just dragged onto your desktop). Click ‘Run’. This will install the update.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete this installation. Leave everything in its default settings.
7. If you still have your disc in your CD or DVD-ROM drive it will automatically restart your program. If not, please insert your disc.
8. Installation of the update is complete.
Please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
My disc is old/damaged
Please contact us directly regarding this issue so we can organise exchanging your disc for a new, updated version.
Error: “Talk Now requires a screen resolution at least 1024x768”
Our programs are designed for 1024 x 768 screen resolution, which is too large for most netbook computers. Any changes with regards to the configuration of the screen settings can alter how other applications work on your computer. If you would like to change the screen resolution regardless, please follow the steps below:
Go to ‘Control Panel’—->’Display Properties’——>’Advanced’———>Monitor: Uncheck ‘hide modes that this monitor cannot display’. Now back to ‘Settings’, choose the newly available ‘1024 x 768’ resolution.
In the event that this is not successful please contact us and we can organise exchanging your disc for a downloadable version that will accommodate a netbook screen.
Can I copy/load my disc onto my hard drive or portable flash drive?
No. Our programs are built to run directly from the disc. Copying the content onto the hard drive can cause access and performance problems. Additionally, the program will need the disc to refer to certain files (that would bring up a prompt for the CD to be inserted). There is an option to purchase a selection of our programs as a USB or Download. These options are currently available in our Talk Now, Talk More, Talk the Talk and Talk Business series.
Can I load my disc onto my iPhone/iPad?
No. Your disc is a computer based program that is designed for use on PC or Mac Computers. Our uTalk app, which contains the same content as our Talk Now program, is designed specifically for Apple devices such as iPads/iPhones etc. These two products are designed very differently and therefore your disc can not be loaded onto your iPhone/iPad etc.
For more information regarding our uTalk app please click here.
How do I change the help language to my native language?
To change the language of the audio and written instructions:
1. Click on the flag button labeled ‘Change Help Language’ at the bottom of the screen.
2. A list of our currently available help languages will appear.
3. Select your native language.
No sound.
Please check the following:
• Ensure that your computer is not on mute. Please check the volume controls on your computer. For more instructions on how to check this see below.
• The volume slider on the disc is set to a reasonable level. On the topics screen on the disc, you will find the volume slider at the bottom of the screen. This needs to be positioned towards the right so that maximum volume can be heard.
• Ensure any speakers or headphones are correctly connected.
• Ensure the sound drivers on your computer are up-to-date.
Volume controls on your computer:
PC (Windows):
1. Go to the ‘Volume Control’ panel by double-clicking the Volume icon at the bottom-right hand corner of the taskbar.
2. Select ‘Options’ and choose ‘Properties’.
3. Adjust the volume accordingly.
4. Run the program again.
Apple Mac Computer:
1. Go to ‘System Preferences’ (in the Dock or under the Apple logo in the top left of your screen). Select ‘Sound’ and then select the ‘Output’ tab.
2. Select the correct output device (e.g. speakers, headphones) and then drag the volume control bar to an appropriate level.
3. Make sure the ‘Mute’ button is not ticked.
4. Run the program again.
Do your programs support Linux?
No, unfortunately we do not support Linux systems.
The system requirements for our CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs are:
• Windows 2000 or later
• Mac OS X 10.3.9 or above
• CD ROM Drive (+ computer microphone)
Talk Now Update for Windows
Please download and install the latest update.
If you need help please follow these instructions or watch the help video below:
1. Click on the update to download it and save it onto your Desktop;
a) You will be asked, “Do you want to open or save this file?” Click ‘Save’.
b) Select the Desktop as the location you wish to save the update.
c) You may receive a prompt from your anti-virus software, asking you whether you wish to allow or deny the download to proceed. Click ‘Allow’ to continue the download.
2. Find the newly downloaded zip folder on your Desktop. Double click on it to open it.
3. Double click on the folder to reveal the .exe file/application.
4. Drag (or copy) this new .exe file onto your desktop.
5. Double click on this .exe file (that you have just dragged onto your desktop). Click ‘Run’. This will install the update.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete this installation. Leave everything in its default settings.
7. If you still have your disc in your CD or DVD-ROM drive it will automatically restart your program. If not, please insert your disc.
8. Installation of the update is complete.
Please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
Movie Talk Update for Windows
Please download and install the latest update.
If you need help please follow these instructions or watch the help video below:
1. Click on the update to download it and save it onto your Desktop;
a) You will be asked, “Do you want to open or save this file?” Click ‘Save’.
b) Select the Desktop as the location you wish to save the update.
c) You may receive a prompt from your anti-virus software, asking you whether you wish to allow or deny the download to proceed. Click ‘Allow’ to continue the download.
2. Find the newly downloaded zip folder on your Desktop. Double click on it to open it.
3. Double click on the folder to reveal the .exe file/application.
4. Drag (or copy) this new .exe file onto your desktop.
5. Double click on this .exe file (that you have just dragged onto your desktop). Click ‘Run’. This will install the update.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete this installation. Leave everything in its default settings.
7. If you still have your disc in your CD or DVD-ROM drive it will automatically restart your program. If not, please insert your disc.
8. Installation of the update is complete.
Please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
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What are the system requirements?
Your system will need to have the following for the program to operate correctly:
• Windows 2000 or later
• Mac OS X 10.3.9 or above
• CD ROM Drive (+ computer microphone)
Do none of these answer your question? Email support@eurotalk.com