- Teachers

Welcome to EuroTalk Education
“The single most motivating teaching tool I have ever found. My pupils can’t get enough of it.”
Pat Young, Head of Languages, Kilmarnock Academy
A variety of study materials is essential to keep students interested in learning languages, which is why software has so much potential in the classroom. It has the power to engage all ages and types of learners - even the most impatient ones!
EuroTalk products will keep your students engaged and motivated, while giving you detailed feedback about their progress and the ability to direct their learning and set them goals within the program.
Our software can be installed in schools, colleges and institutions worldwide either on single-user basis or on a network. We have recently launched our VLE/LMS SCORM compatible packages, which can be installed onto your Moodle, Frog and Fronter platforms. Contact us for more details or to see a demo.
Full details about our software can be found on our Education pages, which feature in the Primary, Secondary or Higher Education sections.
Our Educational sales team are more than happy to answer any questions you may have, so feel free to drop us a line to request demo material or a quote for networking a new ICT suite and we’ll be more than happy to help.