Support for USBs

Find help and user manuals here

    Our programs are designed to be easy to use, however if you would like some guidance please select your program below:

My USB isn’t working

We are sorry that you are experiencing problems with your USB. Please email the following details to

• Your name and address

• Product name and language

• Date and place of purchase

• Description of issue

Once we receive these details we can help you further.


Can I copy/load my USB onto my hard drive?

No. Our programs are built to run directly from the USB. Installing the content onto a hard drive can cause access and performance problems. Additionally, the program will need the USB to refer to certain files.



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What are the system requirements for USBs?

Your system will need to have the following for the program to operate correctly:

• Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8 or Mac OS X 10.6 or above

• Microphone (recommended)

Our USB products are fully Netbook compatible.


Do none of these answer your question? Email