Error: "iTunes could not tag track", when installing onto iTunes.

Your current version of Talk Now is incompatible with the new version of iTunes, which is why you are experiencing a continuing prompt for iTunes.

Therefore please download and install the latest update for Talk Now.


    Talk Now Update (file size 32.2MB)


If you need help please follow these instructions:

    1. Click on the update to download it.

    2. Locate the newly downloaded Talk file in your ‘Downloads’ folder.

    3. Double click on this Talk file to run the update. An icon will now appear.

    4. Drag the newly installed Talk file/icon onto your Desktop, so you can find it easily.

    5. Insert your disc into your CD or DVD-ROM drive.

    6. A small Eurotalk window with a Talk Now (TN) icon will automatically appear when you insert your disc. Do not open this icon instead close it.

    7. Now find the newly downloaded Talk file/icon on your Desktop and double-click on this to run the update with the program.

    8. This will open the Talk Now program using the newly installed update, resolving any compatibility issues.