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- Rhythms Czech

Rhythms Czech
It’s naturally easier to learn something when it’s set to music, so that’s exactly what we’ve done. EuroTalk Rhythms puts your mind painlessly to work: you don’t even need to focus!!
Rhythms is an audiobook, so unlike our other programs you don’t need to be at your computer to use it. Just download to your iPod, iPhone or MP3 player and you’re good to go!
Will it work for me?

Simple words and phrases are set to a varied pattern of rhythms and music designed to help you learn and to keep you engaged so that you won’t just want to switch off after five minutes.
It won’t get you fluent, but it will give you an easy road into starting to learn a completely new language.
What will I learn?
If you just want a few simple words before going abroad, EuroTalk Rhythms is all you need. It covers the absolute essentials such as how to greet people, basic directions, getting around, food and drink.
Rhythms help languages
- English (British)
How does it work?

Just listen! You’ll hear Czech spoken by both a male and a female native speaker and there will be plenty of opportunity for you to test how well you’re doing with the review stages built in at key points in each track.
Rhythms is a great commuting companion; listen in the car or on the train. Absorbing a language couldn’t be easier.
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