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Picture Dictionary
YOU can never learn too many words, but rote learning vocabulary can be dull. This is why the Interactive Picture Dictionary features games to make learning meaningful and enjoyable. It has pictures and sound, plus you can record your own speech and compare it to a native speaker. Even better: you can learn four languages in this single program.
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Choose to browse the dictionary, play a quiz or print out dictionary pages.
See words alongside pictures and hear pronunciation from a native speaker.
Some words are shown alongside video clips.
Learn vocabulary by playing a quiz - drag the words to the correct picture to score points.
Print out sections from the dictionary - you can choose exactly which parts you want to print.
Will it work for me?

Pictures are not just for kids. We all remember words better alongside pictures, so the Interactive Picture Dictionary is for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It gives you over 2000 words in four languages. The words are presented with pictures or video clips to aid your memory. Where appropriate, we’ve also included a sentence demonstrating how the word is used in the language you’re learning.
What will I learn?
A total of 2000 words covering a wide range of topics – for all of those situations where you wish you knew the exact word!
Vocabulary in the program includes useful words, such as ‘mobile phone’ and ‘tin opener’, slightly more specialist words such as ‘magician’ and ‘blossom’ and those words you might just need, like ‘dentist’ or ‘contraceptive’.
Picture Dictionary help languages
How does it work?

Select your language – French, Spanish German or Italian.
Search for the word you’re looking for or run down the word list and pick up new vocabulary.
For each item you select you will hear the word spoken by a native speaker. You can then record yourself and compare your accent with theirs.
Play interactive language games. Choose to be tested on all of the words in the program, or only on a section. There are three levels of difficulty; the easy quiz feeds you the words you’re learning then tests you on them, then two harder games teach you to pick the right answer without help.
Learn on the move by printing out dictionary pages.
Test yourself, students or friends. Print out the worksheets, which feature different exercises; link the translation to the correct answer, join two halves of a word or fill in the blanks.
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