Problem due to “Manager Service” not running.

The “Manager service” is a special program that runs whenever the server is switched on. It is responsible for all Language Lab communication, so if it has stopped running for some reason, then this will result in “Cannot connect” messages from the student and teacher programs. Possible solutions to this problem are as follows:

  1. Try manually starting the service as described under Error from student or teacher program “Cannot connect to port”
  2. If this doesn’t work, try running the Manager NOT as a service. To do this, right-click on the icon for the Manager, and add the keyword ‘noservice’ (without quotes) to the end of the line marked ‘Target’ – you should end up with something like ‘C:\EuroTalk\NetManager\Manager\Manager.exe noservice’. Now try connecting. While this is not a recommended long-term solution to the problem, it may generate a helpful error message allowing you to work out why the service is failing to run.