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March 6, 2014


10 cool words that don’t exist in English [Infographic]

A while back, we discovered this infographic of words that don’t have a direct translation in English. We loved it so much that we decided to see if there were any more words like these and create our own. So here it is – 10 cool words that don’t exist in English. Please do share any other suggestions as we’re sure there are many, many more…

As always, you’re welcome to share this post with friends, or embed the infographic on your own website, if you’d like to.

10 cool words that don't exist in English

Infographic created by Alex, who did all the research, and Luke, our fab graphic designer 🙂

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22 Comments Post a comment
  1. Olaf Magnusson
    Mar 9 2014

    The Norwegian word (Pålegg) looks a lot like the Dutch word (when pronounced) ‘Beleg’ ( which means ‘anything to put on a slice of bread’…

    • EuroTalk
      Mar 11 2014

      Thanks Olaf. Maybe it’s just English that doesn’t have a word for this!

  2. Maria
    Mar 21 2014

    In Finnish there is a word “Juoksentelisinkohan” which means
    “I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?”

    • EuroTalk
      Apr 1 2014

      Thanks Maria, that’s brilliant!

  3. Rob Ebenau
    Mar 31 2014

    zhaghzhagh in Dutch is “klappertanden”

    • EuroTalk
      Apr 1 2014

      Thanks Rob, it’s interesting to hear that other languages have these words too. It makes you wonder how English manages to have such a large vocabulary!

  4. Arthur G. Lightfoot
    Mar 31 2014

    Dear All,

    You give us the German word “Kabelsalat” when cables are all tangled. Well. we Scots have a word for this and is is “fankled”. (Used for wool long before cables came along.) You, yourself, could also be in a fankle when you are working with a ball of wool or string and it goes awry (for example when the cat gets hold of it) and you could then say “I am in an awful fankle”.

    • EuroTalk
      Apr 1 2014

      Thanks Arthur – what a great word!

    • Filip
      Apr 1 2014

      Kabelsalat can also be used in Norwegian, spelled the same way. And of course with the same meaning.

      • EuroTalk
        Apr 8 2014

        Thanks Filip!

  5. Marie
    Apr 2 2014


    Brillant post! And very poetic..
    Yet “chantepleurer” does not really exist in France, sorry guys!!

    • EuroTalk
      Apr 8 2014

      Thanks Marie, yes we’ve since discovered that ‘chantepleurer’ isn’t quite right, but we still think it’s a fun word!

  6. Jean
    Jul 22 2014

    “Magtampisaw” doesn’t mean to walk barefoot through a muddy place. It means to frolic in shallow waters — pools, beach, puddles, etc. It’s basically “Vanessa Hudgens” in english, primarily because that’s all she ever does in the beach (thanks to OMG photos)

    • EuroTalk
      Aug 5 2014

      Thanks for the correction, Jean – so I guess it does have a translation in English after all! 🙂


Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. 10 Cool Words | Traveling Greener
  2. These 10 Non-Existent English Words Make Other Languages Look Cool
  3. Cool Words That Don't Exist In English {Infographic} » Best Infographics
  4. 10 Cool Words That Don’t Exist in English | Give More Live More
  5. Found in translation – untranslatable words, in pictures | EuroTalk Blog
  6. 10 Cool Words That Don’t Exist in English #infographic | Visualistan
  7. 10 Cool Words That Don't Exist in English | IgHive
  8. 10 Cool words that don’t exist in English | d'mentoz

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