How well do you know Saint George?
23rd April is a busy day. Besides being St George’s Day here in England, and the day of Sant Jordi in Catalonia, it’s also Shakespeare’s birthday, the anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, World Book Day and UN English Language Day 2015. That’s a lot to pack into one day…
Are you celebrating anything today? We’d love to hear about it! And in the meantime, here’s a fun quiz to find out how much you know about the English patron saint. How did you do?
How well do you know Chinese New Year?
Happy Chinese New Year! Here’s hoping the Year of the Goat (or possibly Sheep) is a good one.
See how much you know about this important Chinese holiday with our quiz. How many did you get right?
How much do you know about languages?
How much do you know about languages? Try our quiz to find out!
The top reported score so far is 11 – can you do better? Let us know how you got on in the comments
Are you a language geek?
We’re proud to be language geeks here at EuroTalk, but we know we’re not the only ones! Here’s your opportunity to show us what you know… Can you get 100%? And more importantly, can you beat your friends?
(By the way, if you want to cheat on any of the questions, the words we’ve used in the quiz are in our uTalk app – now available in 100 languages on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.)
Where should you spend your next holiday?
Summer’s here! If you’re trying to decide where to head off on holiday, we have the answer. Try our quiz to find out your ideal destination… Did you get the answer you expected?