Encouraging English learners in Ethiopia
Our guest post today is by Elizabeth Horsefield, a volunteer with the VSO in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia was perhaps not the intended market for a EuroTalk Interactive Learn English CD-ROM. But it’s going down a storm. I work as a VSO volunteer in a Teacher Training College in a rural area of Western Oromia, Ethiopia. We have an English Language Improvement Centre (ELIC) which recently acquired two new desktop computers complete with headphones and speakers. Perfect.
The students are desperate to improve their English. For most of them this usually involves sitting silently in front of an old copy of some estranged grammar book and making notes. Others even read the Oxford dictionary in the hope that it will one day magically transform their communication skills in English. Many of them went to school in remote areas with very few educational resources. Often their experiences in the ELIC provide a first opportunity to use a keyboard and mouse, so operating an interactive CD-ROM in their second or maybe third language might have been beyond their capacity. It would appear not.
Every afternoon (hours scheduled for computer use outside of their regular classes), the students come and learn. Sitting alone or in pairs, I allow them half hour slots to navigate around the different activities and keep score. The cultural context of the material is apparent. These Ethiopian students are not familiar with eating roast chicken, going sailing or playing the trombone. But this only serves to highlight how culture and language are two halves of the same whole and they are quick to overcome any misunderstandings with the help of the pictures and a little guidance from the native speaker (me).
The local language in the area I live and work is Afan Oromo. I have been making a concerted effort to speak and understand something of this wonderful language with its complex history and rich sense of identity. If only an interactive CD-ROM existed for Afan Oromo, I suspect I would be making nearly as much progress as my students.
Elizabeth Horsefield, Nekemte, Ethiopia
Innovative Language Learning Initiative for Haiti
Guest post by Sheri Colas-Gervais, Vice-President of the Le Flambeau Foundation
The launch of two new sets of language learning CD-ROMs has many excited. The new products are the result of a unique relationship between Le Flambeau Foundation – a U.S. non-profit organization providing educational programming and scholarships to youth in Haiti, and London-based EuroTalk. The new language learning CD offerings include the American English language learning set, which features special Haitian Creole help, and the Haitian Creole language learning set. Each set has five CD-ROMs. These are part of an innovative fundraising initiative designed to assist young people in Haiti to earn sustainable educational assets that will prepare them for the effective rebuilding of Haiti.
These CD sets are unique in a number of ways. The special feature of having the help guides for the English language learning CDs spoken in Haitian Creole offers a significant advantage to the many youth in Haiti who speak Creole but are not fluent in French. By reducing the number of steps, students are able to accelerate their English learning… and have fun doing it via the highly entertaining and engaging EuroTalk format. For young people in Haiti looking for jobs and for those aiming to attend higher learning institutions in the U.S., this advantage is invaluable. It opens the door to a whole new world. The Haitian Creole learning CDs offer similar advantages to a U.S. audience (and other countries) aiming to become fluent before visiting Haiti and making sustainable contributions. We are pleased to be working with the EuroTalk team on this initiative and applaud the commitment. Sending the next student to school on scholarship, resulting from the funds being raised via this initiative, is already within reach. The future is bright!
The Le Flambeau Foundation assists Haiti via Intellectual Infrastructure Development – the provision of a solid education foundation for the brightest youth and future leaders of Haiti. The Foundation serves as a portal providing the youth of Haiti with educational opportunities, such as college scholarships and preparatory programming, that will prepare them to rebuild and lead the country’s transition from poverty to prosperity, with dignity. Le Flambeau Foundation scholars have a track record of graduating in the top tier of their class, including a scholar who is now attending graduate school at Harvard University. The Torch is lit. We carry it forward and pass it on!
The special CD sets are available to youth groups in Haiti and in the U.S. and serve as vehicles for meeting educational and funding needs. For more information on getting involved or on purchasing these special CD sets, please contact Le Flambeau Foundation Inc. (www.leflambeau-foundation.org) at scg@le-flambeau-foundation.org, or call (001) 305.596.2819. EuroTalk is making a donation to the Le Flambeau Foundation for every CD purchased from this special collection. This is innovation in its best form, as the wheels are in motion for making a significant sustainable difference for the people of Haiti. Rebuilding moves forward.

Example of a successful language exchange partnership which resulted in a student in Haiti receiving a scholarship. Both students remain involved and are excited about the new CDs, as these will increase access and accelerate the learning benefits.