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November 27, 2014


Can uTalk a new language in one month?

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in the USA, and around the world! Before we know it, it’ll be Christmas, and then we’ll be into 2015. Time flies!

Here in the EuroTalk office, we enjoy a bit of healthy competition, and with the new year approaching, we’ve decided it’s a good time to take some of our own advice and try learning a new language, using our uTalk app. We’ll all be taking on different languages, and competing against each other to see who can learn the most in the 31 days of January. What could possibly go wrong?

The rules are simple:

1. The winner will be the first person to score maximum points on uTalk in the language of their choice, or the person with the highest score on 31st January.

2. The language chosen can’t be one we already speak.

3. Competitors must start from zero points on 1st January.

4. To join the challenge, we’ll need to have access to an iPhone or iPad with the free uTalk app installed.

Through regular check-ins, we’ll be keeping an eye on and reporting our progress both here and on our Facebook and Twitter, and we hope you’ll be there too, cheering us on.

If you fancy taking up the uTalk challenge for yourself, we’ll be very glad of the company, so drop us an email with the language you’ve chosen, and we’ll send you over a code to unlock the Essentials upgrade (worth £6.99) so you can get started completely free on January 1st.

And in the meantime why not let your friends know which language you’re planning to learn? (There are 100 to choose from, but don’t panic – you’ve got a month to think about it!)

So far, our competitors include:

Ioana, who’ll be learning French

Nat, taking on Icelandic

Steve, who fancies a go at Thai

Al, tackling Chinese (Mandarin)

Symeon, who’s torn between Greek and Turkish

… and Liz, who took a while to decide but eventually settled on German.

Wish us luck!

uTalk - Learn a Language


24 Comments Post a comment
  1. SuAnne Droddy
    Dec 2 2014

    Jow do I join in the challenge?

    • EuroTalk
      Dec 3 2014

      Hi SuAnne! We’ll be announcing more details in the next couple of weeks, so watch this space. We’ve got your email too so we’ll drop you a message to make sure you get the info. Good luck!

  2. Mark Araujo
    Dec 3 2014

    I will take on the challenge with Albanian!

    • EuroTalk
      Dec 3 2014

      Great, welcome on board Mark! We’ll be announcing more details in the next couple of weeks so watch this space…

  3. Dec 14 2014

    Español por favor.

    • EuroTalk
      Dec 15 2014

      Good luck Keith! If you can drop us over an email to we’ll send you back your uTalk code.

  4. sky joojo
    Dec 15 2014

    thai is a cool lag. to speak to me

  5. Michael Modis
    Dec 28 2014

    Showdown we also enter Kur Progress – and how is that going on? (If we Schall Do it)

  6. Michael Modis
    Dec 28 2014

    sorry someone spellcheck Problems:

    Should we also enter our Progress – and how is that going on? (If we Schall Do it).

    • EuroTalk
      Dec 29 2014

      Hi Michael! We’ll be sending out an email and publishing a new blog post either later today or tomorrow, with more details on how it’s all going to work so hopefully this should answer all your questions 🙂


Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. NaNoWriMo – what happens now? | The Blog of Happy Things
  2. Why I’m learning German this January | EuroTalk Blog
  3. Why I’m learning Thai in January – a poem | EuroTalk Blog
  4. Why I’m learning Icelandic in January | EuroTalk Blog
  5. uTalk January Challenge | 学习Sprachen
  6. uTalk January Challenge: Which Language Will I Learn? | 学习Sprachen
  7. And for my next ridiculous challenge… | The Blog of Happy Things
  8. Why I’m Learning Slovak in January | EuroTalk Blog
  9. Why I’m learning Italian in January | EuroTalk Blog
  10. Why I’m learning French in January | EuroTalk Blog
  11. The uTalk language challenge 2015 | EuroTalk Blog
  12. New Year Challenges – January 2015 | 学习Sprachen
  13. My uTalk Romanian journey so far | EuroTalk Blog
  14. 7 ways to stay motivated in your language learning | EuroTalk Blog

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